Nice to see a tier 1 confirm it. Not sure it will be enough for them to accept but here's to hoping
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I think we should make another offer tomorrow. 50m + 10m. Show them this is the best offer we will present.
That's quite a childish way to let them know though. Just sending a message back saying we won't go higher achieves exactly the same without feeling a bit passive aggressive.
I've liked how we've gone about transfers this window, doesn't feel like we're being fleeced with every deal.
A few years ago Elanga would've gone for 5m or loaned out until his contract expired so we lose a decent asset for nothing.
I agree, I was attempting a bit of sarcasm but I forgot the /s lol. I’m also happy with how we’ve went about transfers in this window as well. I’m still hoping to bring in two attackers, but I’ll be very pleased with one.
It’ll probably take a week of negotiations and a couple of offers, but it’s good to see that the deal is finally being worked on