Why is everything released on STEAM??? Can't we get some GOG releases, where you actually own your games, DRM free???
Tycoon Games
All things "Tycoon" games. Park building, zoo building, business building simulation. Anything related to management, financial growth and economic strategy.
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Please stay on topic, adjacent genres (e.g. city-building) or even non-tycoon genres with a strong economic strategy component are fine.
Some other gaming communities across Lemmy:
- Adventure Games
- Cozy Games
- City Builders
- Free Games
- Incremental Games
- Open Source Games
- Roguelike Games
- Video Game Art
I personally use GOG a lot. I've been meaning to add coverage for GOG releases, but it takes more time and most tycoon/management release on only on Steam.
Because it sells better on steam.