Creepy Wikipedia
A fediverse community for curating Wikipedia articles that are oddly fascinating, eerily unsettling, or make you shiver with fear and disgust
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Such a hard-ass line. Went out like a fucking boss.
*wizard. Not witch. Wizards are exclusively male apparently.
"summoner" is the Wiccan term.
If ya nasty
Wizards are okay. Warlocks are the evil ones.
No no. If your curshed to death than your not a witch. /s did not read but seems like so many of the tests were if you survive then your a witch.
Being crushed was a form of torture to force him to submit to a rigged witch trial. He just stood his ground (metaphorically) and asked for more torture.
I have a hard time feeling bad for someone that got away with murder, but pretty sure I wouldn't have the fortitude today to resist that treatment, let alone when I'm 80