Haven't jumped in yet. I don't do Trials very often and don't have a solid crew to roll with, but I sometimes settle for the non-adept versions of the guns that seem worthwhile. It's Messenger this weekend, right?
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Yeah, it’s the messenger this weekend. I’m going to be grinding hard for a solid crucible roll. Also if you’re interested in getting into trials more you’d be more than welcome to play with my friends and I. I’m not the greatest, but I manage to go flawless playing in PC lobbies pretty consistently so I’m not bad. I end up playing with a mix of people ranging from very good to very PvE mains.
I’ve been coaching a few friends for awhile now so I usually have at least 1 really solid player to play with but there’s generally a lot of times where I have an open spot or two in my fireteam.
If you or anyone else is interested I could get people in my clans discord where I usually casually organize playing trials with people each weekend. I usually organize fireteams by whether or not people are only wanting to play console lobbies too for those that play on console and are opposed to playing MnK players
I may just take you up on that! Pretty busy weekend, but I can hit you up if I find myself with some time later.
Have tried it (pvp is fun for me at least) but haven't been consistent in it, few times I've tried it with only a few wins. I'm sure one day I'll get to see the lighthouse.
Ive been playing this game since D1, and I have yet to get more than 1, maybe 2 wins on a card. Lmao.
Never been flawless. Made it to 5 wins on my first card and then had a match where my teammate left on the first death. Unfortunately, I had grabbed passage of ferocity cause I’m a dummy. So yeah, it was game over then.
Also, stick drift has become unmanageable on dual sense so I might be done until I can get that fixed 😞
RNJesus is a cruel SOB sometimes. What was your roll?
How have you found the new matchmaking? I haven’t had a chance to play trials since those changes.
Every roll I’ve gotten so far is offhand strike and mostly encore/kinetic tremors.
I’m not sure it feels much different since the changes, I still get a lot of really laggy matches, I think the bigger issue is the player population is just tanking so regardless of what kind of matchmaking they do it’s kinda a bad experience. And since they removed the flawless pool they made it so you can farm drops on wins on a 7-win card once you’ve been flawless right away but because now there’s an extra 2 days to farm that way they lowered the drop rates. Other people have been saying the get one roughly 1 out of every 4 wins, but I’ve got 0 to drop after 32 wins
Yeah that’s pretty brutal. Probably one of two “bad” perks in the first column.
Sketchy as usual, but I'm sure it'll settle before the end of the weekend.
Yeah I’ve found lately that late Saturday afternoons tend to be the most consistent time of the weekend but Fridays have been hit or miss. I’ve been busy and haven’t played much the last couple trials weekends so I don’t know too much about how sundays have been feeling. I wonder how many people still wait until Sunday to even play not knowing that the flawless pool isn’t a thing anymore