IIRC, the inspiration for Fritz Lang’s “M”
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Following Haarmann's arrest, rumours circulated that Haarmann ate the flesh of his victims, or sold it on the black market as pork or horse meat.[34] Although no evidence was ever produced to confirm these theories, Haarmann was known to be an active trader in contraband meat,[35] which was invariably boneless, diced, and often sold as ground meat.[36] When asked where he obtained the meat, Haarmann sometimes said he had obtained the produce from a butcher named "Karl", although investigators would later note that the stories Haarmann told his acquaintances regarding the origins of this individual varied.[37][38]
Haarmann became known as [...] the Wolf Man (Wolfsmensch) because of his preferred murder method of biting into or through his victims' throats
There's a great German movie with Götz George in a menacing performance: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114704