Renato Bialetti, the Italian businessman, well-known for popularizing the Moka Express coffee maker, was buried in this moka pot.
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Wow! This is super interesting!
But did they brew him?
Full-bodied cup of coffee
I hope not.
Makes an amazing little cup of coffee. I have two of different sizes.
I could never get the hang of a mocha pot, any method I've tried kept coming out kinda bitter and lackluster :c
I've heard aeropresses make better coffee but I haven't tried either so I have no clue.
They are different. Default Moka pot coffee is generally much more concentrated and analogous to a true espresso. Aeropress out of the box is often more like a supercharged French press coffee. But both have so many different methods, mods and ways to be tweaked that they can produce a whole spectrum of coffee! And they're both pretty inexpensive, so very fun to experiment with!