So definitely not Trump or any of his cronies.
Their fancy clothes are probably all burnt by now, but it's their own fault, they just shouldn't have attacked the wilderness.
Yes, I read that too. Not the president the US needed, as he is simply unsuitable for this office due to his lack of education alone, but apparently the one the country deserves, as he was elected despite everything everyone can and should know about him.
“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.”
Professor William T. Kelley, who taught marketing at the Wharton School of Business and Finance when the orange one was a student there (source)
Tell them a random guy on the internet says they should be ashamed of themselves.
Yes, that's the silver lining.
C'mon, please don't generate revenue for Tesla - not even from insurance policies. It makes more sense for the cars to just stand around and rust despite the stainless steel. Nobody wants to buy from that goddamn Nazi anyway.
But hey, maybe Musk had the cars set on fire himself - that would be a rather harmless insurance scam compared to his other activities...
A friend of mine used to work in a yacht club, albeit a very small one on a river, not the sea. He was firmly convinced that at least half of the boats belonged to the owners of craft businesses. He was of the opinion that the boats were bought with black money, either to be able to do something with the money or to sell the boats again later and launder the money that way. I don't know if that's true.
Well, living standards are falling, there are significantly more wars again, fascists are on the rise everywhere, social media is full of hate and misinformation, climate change is progressing and not only are there no serious efforts against it, but climate activists are treated like terrorists...all in all: is that really surprising?
She stands for incompetence and weakness – our country is being laughed at all over the world! (...) The Tyrants are laughing at her, she’s weak and ineffective, and for three and a half years she has done nothing except enabled them to get STRONG, RICH, and POWERFUL!
Trump about Kamala Harris (Source)
It's always projection with this crook, but everyone already knew that.
Shouldn't B-flat tho... sorry...I'll show myself out.
I'm So Meta Even This Acronym