Haven't watched yet but here's a quote according to Reddit:
"It wasn't rape [with Rita Chatterton]... But if I had, the statue of limitations has run out."
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Haven't watched yet but here's a quote according to Reddit:
"It wasn't rape [with Rita Chatterton]... But if I had, the statue of limitations has run out."
Fuuuuck. I'll probably watch after Dynamite when I get off work.
I watched that today, had to rewind just to hear it again. What a fucking scuzzball.
I just finished watching it. I don't think there was anything revealed we don't already know, but I'm sure people that aren't in the IWC will be shocked. One thing that stuck me is Vince talking with pride about how he stole talent from the territories, still being angry at WCW for stealing talent from him, and not grasping it's the same thing even when the interviewer points it out.
Also, the quote Geek shared about the Rita Chatterton allegations was one of the most insane things he says. There's no way anyone hears that line and doesn't immediately think he raped her.
Ignoring the rest of the comments for fear of spoilers (think that's stupid if you want, I want a full blind experience) for now. Mostly commenting to find the thread later and have somewhere to add my thoughts
I'm unreasonably excited for this. I'm sure I already know everything they'll have to say, but I have to watch it. I've gotta catch up on NXT after Grand Slam, then I should have a chance
After 3 episodes it's nothing we haven't heard 100 times so far. Except maybe Tony Atlas saying Pat Patterson wouldn't stop grabbing his pecker.
Slight change from Tony Atlas talking bout shoes/feet at least.
"I'm not a CTE guy. I just don't believe in it."
Tap for spoiler
I loved how Pritchard was the only one to come back, after the allegations and whinge about them making him look bad.... Vince said all those words.. All of them.
MFW this documentary finally dropped
Gonna have to buy some cheap whiskey and sail the high seas for this one
Acquiring now yarr lol
Soooooooo, after watching the whole thing, I'm not sure who the audience is for this?
It's nothing new that hasn't been said over the years. So wrestling fans will have nothing new gained here. It's nothing that non-wrestling fans would ever watch. So it's not for wrestling fans. It's not for non-wrestling fans......who is it for?
I don't get why everyone was saying this will be damning to WWE. And how it's going to paint them in a bad light. I don't see that. It painted Vince exactly how he's been known for years to be.
It's using old, known facts, and nothing more.
It uses an editing style that kind of bothers me. They'll take someone talking about a real life event, and showcase it with footage from a storyline that vaugely matches up with what's being said.
It's almost as if the directors of the documentary was finding out all of this stuff as he was producing the documentary, and thought it would be shocking stuff, not knowing his main audience is watching and saying to themselves things like "Actually, Stephanies introduction to WWE wasn't the Test storyline, it was the Undertaker abduction angle...." because wrestling fans are lifelong and have dedicated memories for this stuff.
The only thing I learned is that Vince the human is legitimately a psychopath with no ability to feel empathy, probably has ADHD, and has no ability to view things from the other side.
Overall, I'm not going to say it's bad.....but it's far from the must see documentary that will change the industry I thought it was supposed to be. It feels more like a retrospective of the WWF/WWE, as told through the eyes of Vince. Honestly, the WWE produced dvd "McMahon" back in 2006 revealed more shocking stuff (for the time) that we didn't know than this did.
Itβs nothing new that hasnβt been said over the years. So wrestling fans will have nothing new gained here. Itβs nothing that non-wrestling fans would ever watch. So itβs not for wrestling fans. Itβs not for non-wrestling fansβ¦who is it for?
Not every wrestling fan knows the stories, nor has been watching WWE and listening to WWE news uninterrupted for 30 years. It's for those people.