this post was submitted on 23 Sep 2024
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Behind every great wrestler, there's often a voice of reason, and for AEW star Kyle Fletcher, that voice comes from his partner and fellow AEW wrestler Skye Blue. The Australian "Protostar" previously relied on Aussie Open tag team partner Mark Davis, but a sidelining back injury forced Fletcher to adapt to the singles division.

In a sport where risk is part of the job, Skye serves as Fletcher’s first line of defense regarding the crazier ideas that cross the 25-year-old wrestler's mind—both in and out of the ring. "I like to bounce ideas of other people, but like primarily all the stuff that you see is coming from my brain," said Fletcher to Express U.S Sports.

"So there's that that there's a little bit more anxiousness there because everything that I'm presenting is comes back to me. And if it sucks, then that's on me."

Fletcher noted the consistent presence of Blue in his career, saying that he's always bouncing ideas off of her. "If I’m like, ‘Hey, there’s this idea,’ and she tells me it sucks, then it’s not going any further than that," he joked as he smiled into the camera.

While many wrestlers pride themselves on pushing aerial boundaries, Fletcher acknowledged that Skye’s concern is often about safety. "She tells me not to do stuff all the time, but it’s basically just because she thinks it’s too dangerous. And I’m like, 'Come on, man. It’ll be cool though.'"

One of the most memorable times that caused her to intervene happened early in their relationship, leaving an everlasting impression. "One of the first shows she came to watch of mine was a New Japan show in Washington, D.C. I did a moonsault where I landed testicles first on the guardrail," Fletcher said, cringing at the memory. "From that point onward, she was like, 'You’re never doing that moonsault again.'"

The move occurred during NJPW's Capital Collision show at Entertainment and Sports Arena, home of the WNBA's Washington Mystics. Fletcher was in a four-person tag match where The Mighty Don't Kneel [JONAH, Shane Haste, Mikey Nicholls, and Bad Dude Tito] defeated United Empire [Jeff Cobb, Aaron Henare, Fletcher, and Mark Davis.]

During the main event tag team match, Fletcher climbed the turnbuckle to deliver a moonsault to the floor. Skye was in attendance to see Fletcher's rotation on the aerial move extend to the rail, causing the collision.

So whenever Fletcher considers pulling off the risky move, Skye is there with a stern reminder. "Every time I bust out the moonsault, I get a talking to and get reprimanded," he said with a laugh.

top 3 comments
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[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

If Skye, lit a mother fucker on fire, Blue is giving you warnings it's probably best to heed them

[–] TheCelticPirate 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

This is how I learned she isn't dating Dante Martin anymore. Poor guy.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

She's been with Kyle for a good long while now so Dante's probably over it. I'd hope lol.