Til ancient Greeks had a better standard of living than most of the Western world.
Illustrations of history
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"Middle Class" here meaning "A merchant or landowner who isn't particularly rich", not "3rd and 4th wealth quintiles" the way it's used today. In the sense that we would recognize it, that of skilled or semiskilled professionals earning significant wages for their labor, there would have been only a very small middle class, and most of them would have been, well, landowners in addition anyway. They almost certainly would've been in the 5th income quintile. And probably a multi-generational household as well.
Fascinating. Thanks for the info.
Where’s the sex dungeon and the slave quarters and the orgy room?
Depends on the household! Some houses had dedicated dormitories or even (small) individual rooms for their slaves, others would simply have the slaves sleep on the floor of the bedroom, or the floor of some other room.
I used this image for a history project in middle school, I used it as a model for a Minecraft build
I assume that room is supposed to be “storage” not “store.” No?
Store is also a valid term for it, but yes, the store near the kitchen is storage.
The right side looks almost like a shotgun shack.