Oh no, has Danny not been watching Hangman?
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๐ฎโ๐จHating takes alot of energy
BCC Elite 2000?
Blackpool Elite Club
Solid show tonight. Just what they needed to capitalize on All In and get the ball rolling for All Out.
I'm really intrigued by Mox's whole deal. And where does Darby fit in?
Even when Jericho loses, he wins. The true powers of the Learning Tree
This disrespect towards Private Party won't stand!
I love the confidence, but they did try to shoot a little too high up
Stiff as expected!
Capillaries never stood a chance
Oh hell yeah!
MJF lost and not one bit of self reflection and growth was done. You love to see it
A true inspiration to the children in their 30s
Love the G1 recap for Takeshita
It's Hayter time! There should have been a countdown!
I hope MJF remembers that Long Island is in the US
Between getting thrown on her ass and those back breakers poor Harley is going to be walking like she's 90
Uh oh!
I don't know if y'all caught the All In media scrum, but a reporter called the FTW championship a joke and TK took it personally lol
The For The World Championship had way more credibility
Hangman turned Ishii into a ring post!
MJF and Swerve have this uncanny ability to make mortal enemies
So Schiavone wanted to possible career ending piledriver on MJF and he's a good guy?
Shiavone is like an onion!
I'm not falling for his innocent uncle routine. He's a menace that should be stopped
Where's Nigel when you need him?
He got kissed by Mariah and speared by a father figure. His emotions are probably in flux
Good point, that man is in shambles
The future is now old man
- Jack Perry
He pinned him at Anarchy in the Arena, time to retire him
That would be wild with Bryan losing his first title defense lol