I shop first for the features I want, then the size, then the color, finally by price. The features I want are:
- A rating greater than 1000 joules with a hardware replacement guarantee.
- Look at your load and add 40% then make sure the stated capacity is adequate.
- Decide on cord length before stating your shopping.
- Look at your mounting options and consider how accessable your plugs need to be. What orientation will work best with your plugs. I usually try to avoid the 1 foot extension cords but with many PDUs you are kind of stuck. Personally I like to install on desk legs to keep clutter hidden and off the floor.
- I usually avoid the squid because of the messy installations it forces but it can work well if you have a lot of ac adapters.
- Most USB ports on power strips are super slow and require longer cables to use than adding a power bank or hub with power built in. I usually don't consider them when shopping.
- Don't forget plug shape. Whenever possible I prefer the cord to end perpendicular to the prongs and the cord to exit 45° to the orientation of the slots. This keeps the other plug free. This point is most relevant in North America.