They're prone to taking over small towns until a roving band of intelligent rats come along and bust up their plot along with help from a couple of kids and a sketchy cat.
this post was submitted on 19 Aug 2024
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This story sounds familiar. Plague tale? Pied piper of hamelin? Its really familiar lol
Hule got it, Terry Pratchett, the amazing Maurice. Which is written on the idea of the pied piper story.
I'm trying to remember some 80/90s movie that had some Ice-T looking mf that went by "rat king." I can't for the life of me remember what it was and my searches are coming up empty. Anyone?
Tara? It had a bunch of alternative names, among them "Hood Rat". Was with the actual Ice-T.
Not sure I recognize it from the Hood Rat Trailer. But that's got to be it. Thanks!
Now... do I watch it again?
Also the scariest video game boss (for me)