*rich ass kid's 90s bedroom
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Those bedsheets seem too modern to me
The ghost busters Lego set is only about 10 years old as well.
No kid in the 90s wanted an early 80s boombox either. Those may be collectors items now but CD players existed by then and were much more desirable.
The kid has a PCjr and what looks like an Atari 65XE/130XE. I think he has the wrong one set up for a good gaming experience.
I didn't waste any time analysing the pic. I just like it for it's late 80s / early 90s vibe as well as it's colour pallette.
Reminds me of a background from Everlasting Summer: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/361484307594325233/
Sorry for the Pinterest link, couldn't find anything else on short notice.