So... what are the betting odds on a CM Punk injury tonight? I wish it was completely a joke, but it's not, he hasn't had a match he came out of uninjured since he returned with AEW as far as I know.
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I'll laugh so damned hard lmao
As many times as I see Rhea Ripley, I still can't get over the fact that a show kids watch has a dominatrix that people call "mommy". It makes me laugh everytime.
Mami *
Itβs rooted in Spanish due to the whole Mysterio family being Latino.
The annoying thing about these stadium shows is that the entrances take 5 minutes each. They need those mini-rings from Wrestlemania III.
Except make them go 35mph.
Ok, THAT is how you tell a story! I heard no commentary. I don't follow WWE. I don't know the backstory. The only reason I understood the bracelet is because the prematch promo said "He's wearing a bracelet with my wifes name on it!" Other than the pre-match video, I was blind going in.
That being said, I understood the whole match from the 40th row. So far match of the night, and all without one dive, or flip, or corkscrew, or any of that modern 100mph style. It was just a story match that allowed itself to breathe.
That was way too fucking obvious where Priest rolled him to the ropes so Balor could move his foot.
Edit: Fuck that jabroni mark Finn Balor.
I was expecting Gunther and Balor to kiss like Dom and Liv.
Seth is the best ref lmao
I don't think any of the big stadium shows will come back to browns stadium. Look how much empty seats and tarped off area, plus that big empty space on the floor.
Also interesting is that if you're on the floor, its not grass. They put this patched hardfloor down. Like cement, but legos.
To protect the field from potentially being muddy with a ton of people on. They had to replace the entire infield of our local race track after it rained during a festival and it cost over a million to replace it, that stadium would probably be a lot worse.
As to empty seats, I'm glad you got a show, but I'm surprised they did a stadium show in Cleveland and didn't try and do a smaller arena show later on.
I don't know if this made it on TV, but I think Rhea dislocated her shoulder......and then popped it back IN.
They played it up really hard on TV to the point I think it was a planned spot.
Yeah idk if she actually dislocated her shoulder, at times it looked like it visibly was, at other times it very visibly looked fine. If it was actually dislocated I'd like to think the ref would have some something other than let Liv work a shoot injured shoulder for another 5-10 mins straight.
Reporting in from Browns stadium. Where the lines for the merch is INSANE. It legit looks like you'll be in line for HOURS.
Anyone else feel that Dom costs Rhea the match tonight and goes with Liv? I just feel that thereβs something gonna happen in that feud and what better way to give Dom even more heat than costing Rhea.
Absolutely, I've been on that train for months. Everybody including Dom seems to forget Liv said she would take everything from Rhea and that included JD and Dom... she's about to clinch that, Finn and Damien are on a collision course which will likely kill JD, Dom seems highly likely to turn on Rhea, and I think Liv then dumps him because she's just using him on her Liv Revenge Tour.
Crowd already chanting they want Cody before Sikoa isn't even done with his 17 minute walk to the ring.
Seriously. Someone get a golf cart or something....
Then you had to sit through another 30 for Cody's entrance... sheesh.
The sun has gone down and they have brought out the spotlights. They look crazy!
In case those chants aren't coming through, they are chanting "cant see shit" turn the lights off" "we can't see", then cheering when they turned off the spotlights on the crowd, and then chanted "thank you, thank you".
Happens every time they bring out the giant lights, you would think such a large company could figure this out better.
Someone made an oopsie!
As many times as I see Rhea Ripley, I still can't get over the fact that a show kids watch has a dominatrix that people call "mommy". It makes me laugh everytime.
Stadium is actually torn on this match. I thought it would be like 100% Rhea support.
Instead its 50/50.
Against a lot of women, honestly you'd be right with the 100% Rhea. Everyone's been waiting so many years for a meaningful Liv push and storyline, now that it's here it's hard not to cheer for her.
Hear me out, Dom did nothing wrong, he's finally becoming a man
Well... Liv openly wanted to be his girl, tried to give him stuff, albeit in a stalkery way. Rhea is a dominant do what I say type... turns out he likes some carrot with his stick. I get it.
None of us can blame him!
Did any matches happen after the paul logan/LA Knight match?
As far as I know it went into a long ad break with Otis for Manscaped, then regular commercials and then to Nia Jax and Bayley.
Sweet. I managed to miss nothing of value!
I'm surprised they started with Rhea and Liv, but I'm not complaining, just figured they'd go with Logan Paul to get him out of the way and gone quickly.
Same, but might as well start strong!
Oh god.....what gaudy thing will Seth wear tonight? My guess is flair robe in black and white zebra stripes.
I don't know if you guys can hear it, but the guardians are having rock-n-blast, which is a huge fireworks thing. We can't see it, but we can hear it.
Less than 20 secs in and tanga loa botches a simple 'push cody to the corner' move lol
Ok, new rule. If you leave your seats, from now on, you leave the stadium.
They should allow people to move seats, you sit in your assigned seat at the opening bell, then it's fair game if you get up. I'd certainly hold my bladder for closer seats at events.
I hate how good Logan Paul is at this.
That flip hurt my knees.
When he told Cody he had some friends he didn't know about on the way, I was hoping he'd follow it up with Smith & Wesson.
So WWE ran a whole damn 10 minute video on this preshow for how music makes the superstar, and only Seth's music could be considered by the current group... these people are something else, yeah Music helps the superstars presentation, but the new guys suck so much we won't include them in this segment.