Bash can do discontinuous ranges
$ echo {{1..3},{7..8}}
1 2 3 7 8
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Bash can do discontinuous ranges
$ echo {{1..3},{7..8}}
1 2 3 7 8
Thank you. I did think there might be a way.
My program is basically doing printf "%d\n" {{1..3},{7..8}}
in that case. Can bash do step? like 1:2:10
would be 1,3,5,7,9
Yes, just give the step as the third number: {1..10..2}
Wow, that's nice to know. I guess my program will at least make it easier since you can type it in a more humane way, but not essential.
There's also seq
$ seq 1 2 10
This will print the numbers starting from 1, incrementing by 2 until you get to 10.
Seq will only print one sequence, though. The program's focus is discontinuous range. Something like: 1:2:10,20:2:30