I'd be interested but I'd like to know what the commitment is. What's the work load, what are the responsibilities?
Atheist Memes
A community for the most based memes from atheists, agnostics, antitheists, and skeptics.
No Pro-Religious or Anti-Atheist Content.
No Unrelated Content. All posts must be memes related to the topic of atheism and/or religion.
No bigotry.
Attack ideas not people.
Spammers and trolls will be instantly banned no exceptions.
No False Reporting
NSFW posts must be marked as such.
International Suicide Hotlines
Non Religious Organizations
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Ex-theist Communities
Other Similar Communities
Do you have Jesus in your heart?
Did you already receive the power of the holy spirit?
Jesus comes in me every night
I'm fucked if that's the first qualification
Very little time, very little moderation experience, I'm not sure how syncs moderation capabilities are, but I do check in reliably once a day.
I'm mostly commenting so someone else will step up and put my sparse resume to shame. C'mon, y'all don't want me to be the only person in this thread, don't do that to the current moderators.
Okay, y'all went and did that. Now to figure out how modding works in sync, or to add this community to my daily forum reading list on the browser.
Sure, I'd love to help. I run a few small communities: [email protected] and [email protected]. I also have my own instance (gregtech.eu), for which the rules are a bit meh but it is a very tiny instance so it's fine. I will check in maybe once a day.
Happy to help in any way I can.
I'm somewhat interested, but I've never moderated any public discussion forum.
What's the compensation package look like? What are my expected responsibilities?
Censorship should be avoided as much as possible in online discourse.