When Missouri is against something... I'll take a closer look into adopting it.
Ranked Choice Voting
Welcome to the Ranked Choice Voting Community!
Voting is broken! Let's fix it.
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a voting system in which voters rank candidates by preference on their ballots. If a candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, they are declared the winner. If no candidate wins a majority, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and votes for that candidate are redistributed to the remaining candidates, based on the next preference on each ballot. This process continues until one candidate has a majority. Learn more about how it works.
Why Ranked Choice Voting?
- Prevents the tyranny of the middle
- Encourages diversity of candidates
- Discourages negative campaigning
- Provides more choice for voters
- Saves money by avoiding runoff elections
Community Rules
- Respect each other's opinions.
- No misinformation. All claims must be backed by credible sources.
- Be proactive and informative.
Sister Communities
- FairVote Canada
- Make one for your country!
When Mississippi is against something, it's part of my personal constitution.
UoM: do not follow in my steps
Ireland uses ranked-choice voting - specifically Single Transferable Vote in Multi-Member-Constituencies, in the republic for all levels of government, and even in the north for local and Stormont.
Voting-system nerds reckon the irish found one of the best compromises, at it gives some kind of proportionality among the main parties, while also giving a good chance to maverick independents with local support.
Note that in the irish system there are no wasted votes - as the surplus (excess votes above the number needed to elect a candidate) are also transferred to later choices - this gets complicated when there are multiple steps... An obvious downside is that counting takes a long time (even several days following recent european elections - but there must be technical ways to solve that?)
Any Irish here to comment ?
Yeah I just woke up in the middle of the night so you're in luck. :)
I love our voting system. All seems very logical when you have actually been through it once and it makes for a bit of excitement as transfers happen after each count.
You just number your candidates in order of preference essentially. If after a count they haven't hit the required number for all seats to be filled the lowest gets eliminated. The eliminated candidates 2nd preference votes then become first preference for someone else.
This process repeats until all seats are filled.
I vote all the way down the ballot to the point of choosing between rankings of less desirable candidates until I hit "absolutely fucking not" level but honestly we don't have too many in that category running here.
Edit: I'll add that the only real down side is that you need to go off an and actually investigate the policies of independents. Many of them do get elected though.
There are helpful websites that pop up around each election to help. Some of them will ask you a series of questions and then tell you where each candidate falls on the issues you've been asked about.
Another edit: I bring my younger kids with me when voting so they get to see it in action and before the point where my choices would affect theirs but it's taught in schools too. I remember doing mock elections on actual candidates in primary school.
Cool. I guess it's different in cities - with more members per constituency - than in the sparsely populated west? Anyway I'm wondering how can the irish help influence the US - which seems to be the origin of this community (?). Also could help France - if they used a STV like Ireland, they wouldn't need all those uncomfortable coalitions and désistements (withdrawals) before the second round (which wouldn't be necessary). France also needs MMCs (as they had in the past) to help reduce the urban-rural polarisation.
Getting rid of FPTP is a priority, and I'll support just about any reasonable alternative. But I never understood why Ranked Choice was pushed over Approval.
Approval is easier to understand, which fixes the main criticism of Ranked Choice. It's also more immune to the spoiler effect.
The problem is- the people fighting against rcv will use more bullshit arguments against approval voting too. You make a good point but people will argue in bad faith about anything, just FYI. Not like rcv is rocket science.
True, the complexity argument is usually given in bad faith. But I've seen even people who advocate RCV get confused about how the rounds work and how this affects the voting strategy.
Missouri is voting on banning RCV altogether
What? How is banning it any different from not implementing it in the first place? It's not like people can go to the ballots and make a ranked choice vote and have it count as such.
People in one city could use it for city council. That's where it got started in some places. They tried it, people loved it, and it grew. If it's banned statewide they can't do that.
The Republicans, as they do, are trying to prove they're the party of small government by running everything and telling everyone what they can and can't do.
Ah, makes sense. Truly the way of small government.