The article title should be “Boeing pays slightly more than one day’s revenue for the negligence that lead to 346 deaths”. This is ridiculous, just a slap on the wrist.
If corporations are people, then the people responsible for the choices like this one need to be held accountable. No freedom of speech without accountability.
Boeing's gross profit last year was $7.7B USD. If you make $50k a year, that would be a fine of $15 for killing multiple people.
Boeing's decision to plead guilty is still a significant black mark for the firm because it means that the company - which is a prominent military contractor for the US government - now has a criminal record.
This is such a a farse it's ridiculous. Prosecutors are asking to fine the company 24 billion. This 243 million plea deal is crap.
The company and people in charge of it should be fined at the very least.
“And then children, Boeing was taken away and never heard from again. A whole new company took over building all the aircraft, and it ran with safety as its first priority rather than seeking profit, and every one flew happily ever after…”
anyone else off just one person on the streets and it is a lifetime sentence in a zoo
think of that story The Last Capitalist at lot more these days
So they've pleaded guilty to lying about meeting the terms of last time they were found guilty and have paid a small fine. Which is almost certainly far less than the cost of complying for 3 years would have been.
Well obviously they will have learnt their lesson and this time they'll certainly comply......
Okay, who's going to prison? Nobody?
Boeing pays less than the cost of 2 airplanes for being responsible for the crash of 2 airplanes.