It’s almost jarring, but quite refreshing, to see an anti-Trump meme amidst all these anti-Biden memes
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It’s a rarity, that’s for sure!
Depends, my feed is mostly anti trump memes. Not from US
I mean, whoever gets elected is chosen
Not really. At least the last 2 Republican presidents have lost the popular election.
And there's a good chance that one of those two didn't even win the electoral college, but we'll never know because the Supreme Court decided he won and that's that.
Tbf, he really was chosen, by a certain someone who likes to ride horseback without a shirt...
Remember kids, if you realize you're the "chosen one", be sure to find out what you've been chosen for.
I too, am chosen -- by apparently hot people near me.
Bro thinks he's him
So Trump is top and Hitler is bottom left. Middle left is some Christian evangelist if I remember one of my wife’s shows. Had some camp on a hill and had a massive shootout?
What are the other two, and am I wrong on any of the others? Canadian, so not entirely privey to all specific US issues.
All cult leaders:
Top left: David Koresh
Top right: Jim Jones
Bottom left: Hitler
Bottom right: Charles Manson
Top left: David Koresh
Mount Carmal
Bingo, that’s the one from special she watched.