Judeophobia (at least in the UK) is not systemic like racism against blacks is in the U.S.
Jews are more likely to own their homes than the general population (73% versus 64%).
That being said, is any group immune from assault? Even individuals squarely in the power majority, like a heterosexual, native, white, male Englishman, are subject to random assault (verbal and physical), destruction of property etc. not as a result of his personal actions. It seems like Jews as a group have it pretty OK but they want the red carpet rolled out for them or something.
Perhaps it's one of those things that's actively measured against, leading to increased reporting? I know that Travellers and Chinese (as just two examples) don't have access to this kind of infrastructure, so reports against bias toward those groups might be under-represented.
To address Judeophobia we must address the elephant in the room- Zionistic Israel using Jews as human shields to protect themselves from any repercussions of their crimes against humanity. Israel supporters increase polarization between Jews and non-Jews, signaling that anyone against the actions of Israel is against Jews as a group, which is a blatant lie.
There are also "boy who cried wolf" incidents which dilute the severity of bigotry against Jews and are not helping our cause, but those are minimal compared to, for example, organizing an "Antisemitism Awareness Rally" which is just a front for Israeli PR so they can continue their genocide against the Palestinians a little bit longer without losing too much public support.
Not to downplay the fact that some people do discriminate against Jews and that is wrong, but this antisemitism hyper-vigilance against the backdrop of Israel's actions reeks of McCarthyism, especially considering Israeli hasbara.