this post was submitted on 22 Jun 2024
12 points (100.0% liked)

Home Video (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, 4k)

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On Reddit we have r/dvdcollection, r/boutiquebluray, r/4kbluray, r/steelbook, r/vhs, etc but let's start simply with a community to cover all the forms of home video collecting.

So, do you feel nostalgic for a format? Are you looking forward to a release? Heard any exciting news? Want to show us your shelves? Then post away.

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The Stanley Cup Finals might be over tonight, but you can catch some on-ice action this summer when Jean-Claude Van Damme's "Die Hard at a hockey game" action classic Sudden Death checks into 4K Blu-ray. Kino Lorber's two-disc set will be released on August 27.

The set will be centered around a brand-new HDR Dolby Vision master from a 16-bit 4K scan of the 35mm original camera negative. It will include an all-new audio commentary by action movie historian Mike Leeder and I Am VengeanceRoss Boyask. It will also include a number of archival special features, including contemporary interviews with stars Van Damme, Powers Boothe (Tombstone), and Ross Malinger (Sleepless in Seattle), and director Peter Hyams (Outland); behind-the-scenes footage; and the film's original theatrical trailer and TV spot. The set will retail for $26.57, and can be preordered at

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