How does he breathe, and if there are valves, how do they let in only air and not water, considering the ball is spinning?
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Is this really a rescue? Is there anything inherently dangerous about going out to sea in an enclosed bubble with rations?
Wow the comment section does not reinforce the very little faith I have left in humanity .
Yup no desire to actually learn facts, cnn is reporting very little information that is easy to obtain online without doing real investigative work. Baluchi is a strong athlete, and in 2014 he had to be rescued at his own request by Coast guard. So taxpayer dollars were wasted then. But 2016 there is no indication in the article about who asked for help, was he going on his merry way and coast guard decided to be an ass? Or did he call it quits and didn't have an escape strategy and use coast guard as such? I don't know, but people have seemed to form opinions already.
Did he think fishes in the ocean are pre-cooked and would just swim into his hands willingly ?