this post was submitted on 05 Jun 2024
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Community to post anything from twitter and similar soical media sites.
- Try to be as civil as you can be; No Spamming/Trolling; ban for x days if problems arise
- Images/screenshots/videos only, no non-direct links (only in body of post), posts should include direct connection to tweet being shared
- Follow the global rules.
- Include in title, NSFW or NSFL posts must be labeled, ex. [NSFW], [NSFL] Not Safe For Work. Not Safe For Life.
founded 10 months ago
It's sad that this asshole thinks that twitter is an actual source of news or facts. 🤡
Since you are concerned about the source of the information you could do a quick search to better understand the situation.
Who is "this asshole"? There are too many.