Pterodactyl is probably the closest I've personally seen to what you're looking for.
Self Hosted - Self-hosting your services.
A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don't control.
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It depends what you are looking for. Your description is actually kinda confusing.
Do you want something to allow the install of games from a self hosted server? Then you’re looking for
Do you want “one launcher to rule them all” that allows for local aggregation of all available games from all platforms? Then you’re looking for
Do you want a front end for game servers? Then you’re looking for or
Do you want something else? Give us a little more info and we can likely point you in the right direction.
Edit: Just realized this is a 2 year old post. Why lemmy decided this was hot, I’m not sure.
I guess you want cloud streaming, like Google Stadia?
There are not many options there, but this seems the closest: (for emulators)
Hey, thanks for this. Didn’t know these existed and while I won’t use them now, I’ll definitely add them to my list!