I have zero thoughts or comments on this specific comic, but can we please leave pizzacake on reddit? They were already plenty inescapable enough there.
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I think it's just one of those like, hostile to anything not seen as "default" kinda things, right? there are two sexes, male, and political, two races, white, and political, two orientations, straight and political, kinda deal.
Neither side in this sex war seems willing to admit that both parties are deeply behaviorally flawed in terms of operating within an (at least in rhetoric) equitable society we all claim to want with one another.
I think step zero would be for both men and women to admit that both are deeply flawed in their engagement with one another, acknowledge both are trying to operate within sociocultural environments we are evolutionarily unprepared for, and therefore shouldn't expect perfection or even competency from the other, so we can work to bridge the massive empathy deficit between us.
But since healing doesn't trend on social media or in culture like vitriol, insult, or indignation, carry on.
No because I personally am perfect and an exception.
Lol, you must be one of the guys that get offended by this or the bear meme. If you think stuff like this attacks all men or you directly, or that women have done wrong to men even 1% of what sexism and men violence has done to them you just need to close lemmy for an hour and read a bit. And im a man in case you were wondering, i just dont have my head inside my own ass.
Edit: just to make it clear to everyone reading this guy post where he talked about both sides and all that shit https://lemm.ee/comment/11953665 ended up just saying that for them womens problems are imaginary because they have a full belly and a roof. The story is always the same it doesnt take much to show when someone is such a level of sexist even when they are trying to hide it behind bullshit rethorics.
On y va to the bookshop for a new thesaurus.
I just want it to stop, it could have been productive but there's just too much vitriol now