Dialing the tenth chevron actually takes them into other shows.
this post was submitted on 08 Apr 2024
85 points (95.7% liked)
Chevron 7
1341 readers
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Chevron 7
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founded 11 months ago
So say we all
Have they ever locked chevron 9?
That is what kicks off Stargate Universe!
Ah. It's been a very long time.
And is your time finally here?
This meme aged about as well as my smegma.
Recently I complained about random inexplicable downvotes and encouraged my fellow Fediversians to use their words, so this is me holding up my end: Vince McMahon is an objectively awful person and even though this is a meme about Stargate, I downvote. Thank you for your time and attention. Hope you're having a nice Tuesday. ✌️