Yeah. I get it. But he’s going to lose.
Kid you signed the honor code; you went to A BYU knowing there’s an honor code.
This is on you.
I’d love to see him win but he won’t.
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Yeah. I get it. But he’s going to lose.
Kid you signed the honor code; you went to A BYU knowing there’s an honor code.
This is on you.
I’d love to see him win but he won’t.
Only the CoJCoLDS would make looking like a 1950s educational film a point of religious doctrine. Maybe this will start his shelf bending under the weight (though I've always thought that was a metaphor just a bit TOO steeped in LDS style, LOL).
The only exceptions seem to be for the two or three Sikh students whose parents want a cheap degree for them, or the occasional ~~righteous lamanite~~ student of indigenous American heritage.