"The biggest one is the fear [about a rising China} of loss of power. "
I can't speak for anyone else, but I disagree with that. I fear a rise in authoritarianism. The government and a "president for life" are the embodiment of that. The people don't have a say in who leads, which can lead to abuse and subjugation, usually for minority groups.
"The other thing is that a lot of people in the Western world see the West as in some way representing a moral apogee of human achievement - representing human rights, democracy, all good and positive things. I don't see it that way. "
I also disagree with this. The West has horrible things to answer for, however with a democratic rule, it has the ability to change itself for the better. Perfect examples of this are, some western nations were slavers and colonizers. Both of those are historical relics as we evolved and recognized both the individual (the person) and the national sovereignty. Could this evolution happen under authoritarianism? Possibly, but there's no way for the people to affect change. Its a hope that your authoritarian leadership comes around. That's not a path I want to take.