This assumes that Super Earth = Super America
Helldivers 2
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Super Earth = Super Nordics as per SE flag!
I like to think Canadian politeness finally boiled over and this was the result.
US was one of the founding members of the Metre Convention that set it as the international standard
It’s amusing to realize that United States customary units are defined in terms of metric units.
Meters > Feet
A meter is like a super foot, it’s 3x better than a foot.
I'm afraid you might be thinking of a super foot, soldier.
(Edit: I had a brain fart and wrote foot instead of yard, but thankfully the next commenter saved it)
And three times better than a super foot is a super yard. 3 times better than that is a super freedomball field.
The military doesn't use imperial units, it's all metric the way it should be.
implying we don't have liberty-loving democratic super meters lol. Might want to check again.
america is long dead, along with all the other freedom-less countries.
Helldiver gear just still displays the old metric super foot. Crewman and techs are too busy muzzle loading the deck guns to be updating each and every trooper's HUD.