Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!
Stop Drinking
This is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. It is also a place for non drinkers to discuss and share.
We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down.
Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile.
Hi all,
Grateful for another sober 24. I've had some extra meetings this week. It's been nice to be around more sober people. Some of them, I hadn't seen in years. Gold-plated problems, or not, it was a difficult week. I'm glad for the support.
We read the end of "my bottle, my resentments, and me" yesterday. I was reminded that getting sober can have a far-reaching, positive effect on society. Just being sober, responsive, and available is enough today.
Happy Sunday everyone! Having an old mattress hauled away that we've been meaning to get rid of for a WHILE, cleaning out my car, getting some homework done, and just catching up on all the big "spring cleaning" type projects that we've been neglecting! It's a good Saint Patrick's Day to be sober!
Hope everyone's day goes or went well! IWNDWYT!
Holy shit! I didn't even realize it was Saint Patty's!! That's gotta be a good sign for my sobriety!!! Went camping/catfishing/dryland fishing Friday and just got back. The whole haul for the weekend was a big ol filthy carp I caught yesterday morning (28"er) but still had a fuckin ball! Can't fucking believe I didn't even know it was Saint Patty's Day!! About time to start spring cleaning for us, too.. Fuck, I dread it...
That sounds like an awesome weekend! Glad you had fun! My husband and I are also going camping this coming weekend! Completely dry/no facilities, which we've never done that style of camping before. It's certainly going to be an adventure!
And yes! Since I turned 20, this is only the second dry Saint Patty's day I've ever had! Feels kinda nice being productive and knowing that I'm gonna wake up refreshed tomorrow! Spring cleaning always hella sucks though. It's nice when it's done, but fuuuuuucccckkkkk I enjoy being lazy on the weekends.
Hope y'all have as good a time or better than we did! And definitely wish ya better luck if you're fishing! That's pretty much the only kinda camping we do, no facilities, no worries. But, now the workweek is back and it's time to break the donuts.