I feel like communities like this are hard to voice outside opinions in, but I'm wondering a couple things about OPs statement. The article says that the credit would specifically apply if you sell your home to another owner-occupant. How is that allowing corporate property owners to rip people off? If anything, this would incentivize sellers not to sell to corporations. As far as $10,000 goes, that's not a large percentage in higher priced markets, but it is substantial in markets where homes are ~$100,000. Now, you could argue that maybe it should be percentage based, but that would only serve to benefit higher value homeowners. I'm wondering what OP would like to see instead of a $10,000 credit.
Communist & Socialist Politics
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You're more hopeful than I am or perhaps a bit naive if you don't think corporations will find some way to take advantage of this if it were to pass. They're the scummiest scumbags there are and there's a reason they pay little to no taxes. Because they have entire departments whose entire jobs are to figure out stuff like this.
I thought I mentioned it in the OP but I think we need price controls because housing costs have exponentially increased out of control in this country. And sellers, especially corporate ones, have zero incentive to lower them and every incentive to raise them even more.
As for this community not allowing outside opinions, that's kind of the point. The main politics community might be more to your liking if that's something you're interested in. They don't seem to care for communist and socialist views over there in my experience, hence the creation of this community, to discuss political topics with a communist and/or socialist view.
We have this in Australia and whenever they increase the grant all house values jump up the same amount.
Wow. Hmm yeah that seems to do the opposite for what is intended, no?
Na, it increases the property value that's what the scheme is for.