Some kid took it out of the packaging so now it's only worth $2.
Best I can give you is a quarter.
So is the employee discount the best part about working at GameStop?
It's an action figure, not a doll!
I keep seeing the helmet discs as large eyes. Reminds me a bit of Clank from Ratchet and Clank.
I see satellite dishes. What are the disc?
They hadn't figured out how to draw Mickey Mouse yet.
Maya Fett
Wow that's really interesting as fuck. Love the helmet.
This is really cool. Are there 3d models for stuff like this? I would like to print it and play with this mayan astronaut.
Reminded me of Cody from It Takes Two in his doll form.
Awesome game!!
He is adorable, and I love him.
very cool. it’s amazing how much detail is still there after 1500 years
Looks like something that would pop up in Dark Souls.
If you've ever read the ramblings of Von Däniken you can't help but think it's a cosmonaut.
It's awesome both pieces - especially the helmet - remained together and intact.
Proof of alien existence, WWG1WGA MAGA #taylordidnothingwrong