What about Saber?
F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.
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downloaded it. It is pretty sweet. Thanks. Right after downloading and opening a popup saying newer version is available with better sized ads??
There are ads?? I don't see any on the Linux appimage and my current version. I do have network-wide adblocker though. If there are ads, that's a shame :/
It doesn't look there are ads in app that is why I was surprised . I wish I had taken a screenshot. It came up twice initially but when I tried to recreate its appearance it will no longer show. 🧐
Yes, Saber is first choice.
Notes PFA also has a sketch-note option for free draw notes.
I put Weylus on my daughters laptop so she can use her tablet is a stylus pad.
I didn't see a downloadable apk at that link. Maybe I'm missing something.
Ah, sorry, i have a habit of not reading which community im commenting on. The software goes in a linux computer, and you use the android device as a tablet in its web browser