How long is the typical delay between update submitted and being pushed to users?
A mobile client for Lemmy running on iOS and Android
Here is a previous thread on the subject of Obtainium that may answer your questions.
This particular question was answered about timely updates through Obtainium:
As for update notifications, you set the "Update Checking Interval" in the Obtainium settings (default is every 6 hours). So whenever a new APK gets added to an app's GitHub, Obtainium will notify you of it the next time it scans for updates.
Just last week, Obtainium gave me a Liftoff update, and when I checked the patch notes on GitHub, that update had been published literally an hour ago.
It depend, usually fdroid need 2-4 more days to push an update
Is it even available on f-droid?
Not on the main F-Droid repo, but it is on IzzyOnDroid. Add this repo to your F-Droid client, and you will be able to search F-Droid to find Liftoff
Thank you, that worked fine
I have the project watched on github. Set it to custom, and releases. Whenever a release comrs out you'll get an email. I usually get it withing a minute or two of a new release