Can we just have windows update fixed instead please?
Windows 11
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Why should the OS fiddle with graphics driver settings? What the hell?
I wonder, if they will put that feature behind a paywall? I wouldnt even be mad.
They should put all the AI stuff behind a paywall so I don't have to look at it. That being said, if this "AI upscale" is any good, its a good use for the not actually AI tech.
It will constantly be advertised to you though. You will have to look at it a little bit.
A few ads should be easier to disable than a suite of nonsense baked into the core OS.
All this time and money wasted when all they need to do is implement a search comparable to "Everything" and the many will be happy.
AI is something different than AGI. Idk why people can't get that into their head.
People can't get it because everything is being marketed as AI.
The image resizer found in ms paint could be called "AI image resizer" and people would belive it.
This is a cool feature but I hope it does the upscaling with photos and videos especially. I have a bunch of 1080p Blu-ray rips that I'd love to see in 2k or 4k without buying a whole new copy.