I have always loved the idea of a compressed air car.
Range: Awful
Efficiency: Terrible
Speed: 40ish mph max.
Size: Has to be tiny to make it really work.
Concept: Cool as hell.
Welcome to Weird Wheels, the home of the weird, wacky and the wondrously stupid awful ideas the automotive industry has thought up.
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I have always loved the idea of a compressed air car.
Range: Awful
Efficiency: Terrible
Speed: 40ish mph max.
Size: Has to be tiny to make it really work.
Concept: Cool as hell.
Believe it or not, I'm driving on air. I never thought I could be so free-hee-hee!
You can't keep a pair of these AirPods in your pocket. Don't even try.
Looks like a trailer. Most of these concepts are obviously for urban commuting. Guess we'll see if they ever get rolling.
Stephen King had compressed air cars in The Running Man.
How does it work? The wiki doesn’t really explain