Looking good. Interesting to see a before-and-after with lighter plant load in the after, but it looks super clean and healthy. What do you have growing on the wood? It looks GREAT. If it's moss, it's SUPER fluffy and compact. If it's algae, it looks amazingly well managed.
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The green fluffy stuff... I have no idea....! Just sort of turned up one day
But it looks good, and after a lot of trial and error with the lights I think I have it balanced nicely.
Lights are on 5, off 4 then on 5 but I was getting some bad alge blooms. Switched from an old florescent tube to a new led and left set to lower light and everything seems happy.
I do need some more plants I think, walstad likes lots of them, but hard to find any out my way
I always have to order plants. I've rarely come across anything local that was worth purchasing.
I like those swords, but happy live-bearers will livebear lol.
I always like to see it. It means that everyone is happy and doing fish stuff. I do feel like they have more personality too.
My wife just sympathises with the female Swords being permanently pregnant :/
I did grab a bunch of plants from a local online source once, highly recommended by locals (https://www.aquarzon.com) - all plants except one died fairly soon afterward and I had a massive outbreak of Black Beard Algae (!twice!)
(I mean their vallisneria died, how the HECK does val die? Stuff grows in the compost heap after I pull it out by the hand full usually)
I kinda like seeing the plants before buying them but at this rate I may have to make a quarantine tank running CO2 or something if I buy online again