seems like a very "grandmaster content" workhorse gun for sure. I look at it like I look at malfeasance. It ain't sexy... but it slaps comparative to legendries in it's class; it fills a role agnostic of artifact mods; and it can do so from the relative safety of range and cover.
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Anything that can proc both slow and freeze is great for champions (Riptide with Chill Clip being my favourite), and with the range of a scout letting you hang back should let it do some heavy lifting.
Just got it last night and only had time to plink at a few Dregs in the EDZ before I had to log off, but it seems decent! I'm more interested in trying it out in Crucible though, as I really like scouts in PVP, definitely gonna try that this weekend.
Someone pls tell me if its good for gms, I really don't wanna grind fishing of all things just for the gun to suck
I would say if you're going to go for it this is the week to do so since exotic fish catch rates have been increased. They def increased the rate. I was missing 3 fish and got them all in about an 1.5 hours.
Whether or not it's good in GMs is going to depend on the viability of the Stasis subclass. So right now, not terrible but not great unless you're on Warlock.
Thanks a lot for the info, I main stasis lock so it should be good then.
If you find someone that's already done the fishing, you can run through the mission with them and still get the exotic drop at the end.
My thoughts are I need my clan to get back online so we can get it together lol.
From what I've seen it looks like it has a lot of synergy with Stasis which I appreciate. We've been hit or miss on new exotics and their integration with subclasses but this season has given us two good ones.
I think its long term viability is going to depend on getting Stasis to a good spot where it can compete with the other subclasses. Stasis has been power crept so hard in endgame content, especially by Strand.
Depending on how much you want to build into it, you can sort of accomplish what you're looking for today. Behemoth Titans may be one of the easier ways to go since they can make shards on demand a couple different ways.
I've been rocking HoIL + Howl of the Storm + Tectonic Harvest. Whisper of Rending helps a lot since we'll be using the scout rifle to break all the crystals we create, and Rime gives you a good chunk of healing on demand. Elemental Charge will let you gain armor charge often enough, and then you can add some surge mods.
I think it's alright, feels good to shoot and like the concept. I agree with your tithe point, that'd be interesting. Maybe like a tweaked version of collective action where collecting a stasis shard grants you a stack of tithe or something and gives a small damage boost
Maybe like a tweaked version of collective action where collecting a stasis shard grants you a stack of tithe or something and gives a small damage boost
Pretty much exactly what I was thinking!
Some folks have said the melee regen from the shard is class agnostic which, along with a pseudo chill clip on a primary, can be pretty nice with the right build
visually great, but feels inadequate compared to either Verglas Curve or Ager's Scepter so it feels like a miss so far.
If nothing else, reducing the required total hits to proc slow/freeze would make it much more viable.