I did not, but mine has also somehow held up for almost 20 years, so I don't think it would have changed much.
Welcome to /c/tumblr, a place for all your tumblr screenshots and news.
Our Rules:
Keep it civil. We're all people here. Be respectful to one another.
No sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or any other flavor of bigotry. I should not need to explain this one.
Must be tumblr related. This one is kind of a given.
Try not to repost anything posted within the past month. Beyond that, go for it. Not everyone is on every site all the time.
No unnecessary negativity. Just because you don't like a thing doesn't mean that you need to spend the entire comment section complaining about said thing. Just downvote and move on.
Sister Communities:
/c/[email protected] - Star Trek chat, memes and shitposts
/c/[email protected] - General memes
yes, because every time someone talks about those someone else inevitably mentions it.
Thankfully not all of us are this cynical or terminally online. Speaking theoretically ofc. I am both cynical and terminally online
Did you know you can get a sunburn when it's overcast?
As a ginger, I'm extremely aware
The one next to the pencil sharpener was a damn good eraser, thank you very much.
Absolutely. But only if you remember to fill it up with water.
Polymer erasers, as long as you aren't using your pencil like you're engraving stone, they can make the lead fully disappear from the page. Love em