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Getting started with Avatar and will probably also revisit one of the Horizons again for the ?? time.
Frontiers of Pandora? It's already released? How is it?
Yes, it looks like a great game but I haven’t been able to spend much time with it. The graphics are top notch and the environment is rich and fun to explore. Lots of action and time to explore as well. There’s a lot going on in the gameplay that makes it fun but has slowed my learning curve. One small annoyance has been the auto save though. I have gotten sent back farther in my progression after dying than I would have liked. So it’s a good game so far. Hopefully I will make some time to play it more.
Cool. Do share your opinions when you have played some more.
Does this feel like a Far Cry clone? Or you don't feel like that when playing it?
Sorry, I don’t have experience with Far Cry.
Ah, no worries.
I've been playing nothing but The Finals since it dropped. Dunno if I should be embarrassed to admit this but I've already completed the battle pass. I solo queue (anyone wanna party up???) and just play casual quick play and it's still an absolute blast. Ranked sounds too sweaty for me.
That's dope! I do the same thing. Solo and quick cash. I bought $20 worth of multibucks (who am I buying F2P cash...my first time ever) because I was having so much fun I wanted to vote with my wallet. I picked up that one skin pack that was essentially free since it gave you back an equivalent amount of currency.
I'm level 40 in the BP. If I finish it then I'll buy it with the cash I have since it gives you an equivalent amount of multibucks back, so again, essentially free, or rather a reuse of the $20 I already paid. I play at odd times whenever I can fit in a 15-20 match, so that's why I stick to solos. If I play longer it's usually coming out of my sleep budget.
If you ever played Bad Company I suggest watching the Digital Foundry video on The Finals that just came out. I think I posted it here. They compare the destruction between Bad Company and the Finals and talk about the tech.
Same here, never spent money on f2p games before, but after playing the beta, this game really clicked with me and I wanted to show Embark my support.
I'm trying out Evil West from Platinum. So far, it's refreshening. Straight-forward in all smaspects and a good enough story.
I just finished Sniper Elite 4. A fun game, but I didn't play silently as intended, I just killed everything that moved.
Started Until Dawn right after that, but for some reason my swiping on touchpad isn't working, even though touchpad itself is working (tried in another game). May try it with remote play.
Ah yes. The "try to be sneaky and when that fails kill everyone" genre. 😆
Heh, yeah, that's the one.