Very impressive! Looks like the hexes are too big for CBT, but perfect for AS.
A fan community for all things BattleTech, Mechwarrior, etc.
We play classic. Just treat the hexes as you would a classic hex map. The only change is the visuals look less cramped.
That's a great idea! Partially solved the problem of stupidly short ranges for the weapons, too.
In the current Battlemech Manual there's a note from (I think it was) Randall Bills saying, basically, "we had to make the range short so you can play on maps smaller than a basketball court. Deal with it. "
Range is always wonky. It’s a game about giant mechs getting into fistfights, so there is going to be some abstraction to how ranged weapons work.
The giant hexes are great for terrain like forests, since the mech can sit inside the decor. It looks very natural.
Holy fuck I need it. Megahexes! Do you play classic with the hexes each as 1 space or ignore the hexes for inch rules like in Alpha Strike?
Edit: other comment didn't load. Oopsie