this post was submitted on 10 Jan 2024
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Echo - S01E02 Lowak - Discussion

top 7 comments
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[–] thisisdee 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

One thing I notice with this show is because there’s less spoken dialog, I have to force myself to pay attention more. Sometimes when watching shows and there’s no dialog I would do other things or look at my phone. And then just kinda listen in the background. Can’t really do that here. I actually have to pay attention to the subtitles. It’s a different experience

[–] MimicJar 5 points 1 year ago

I always watch shows with subtitles, which is why I was surprised during the opening for this episode when they kept covering up the Choctaw subtitles with "[speaks Choctaw]". It's fixed eventually, just weird.

However, like you, I'm usually also fiddling on my phone and for me the subtitles are to catch/repeat the words I just missed (or to clarify that I didn't mishear.)

I've watched subbed only shows before, usually anime but also an episode from What If season 2. I find if there is existing dialogue, it's distracting. However with Maya and sign language it's more silence which I actually do find more engaging.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is also closer to the experience of a deaf person.

They can't look at the ground and listen to what is being said, they need to be looking at the person to communicate. It takes a different kind of focus to do that

[–] MimicJar 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

With Biscuit and Billy Jack on her team Maya will be unstoppable.

Also, I didn't know Maya got superpowers (that's what's happening, right?) I hope it's nothing too over the top, I'd like to see her stay at the Daredevil level.

I also appreciate her fancy superpower moves, jumping into the train, jumping off of the train, are pretty flawed. She trips, she flips over. I don't want the "superhero landing" I want "well at least I didn't die".

[–] patman9 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

She did do one almost super herolanding but yeah I agree. I definitely don't mind a bit of magic sprinkled in to up her power level. But I don't want it to go overboard and so far they haven't given me any reason to suspect otherwise. If the big bad is Fisk, she doesn't need to be overly juiced.

[–] MimicJar 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah the glowy hands are what concerned me. As long as it's just a little glowy that's fine by me. If she Kamehameha blasts someone, while cool, that's a bit much.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I dont quite get all of that inner-family conflict yet, but that is probably intended. Have to agree with Henry here, Maya does sound like Fisk. Her going "and who is that?" regarding people who are close to her was brutal.

The intro graphics are beautiful!