this post was submitted on 29 Apr 2024
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This ~~subreddit~~ community is devoted to the lovable idiots who do hilarious, idiot things in their idiot cars (or trucks, motorcycles, tractors, or other vehicle). We honor them with gifs, videos, images, and laughter.

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Managed to hit the concrete barriers on both sides of a 3 lane highway. Luckily didn't hit anyone but traffic was about 3km long an hour later and caused another accident within the traffic jam itself.

Edit:grammar, and obligatory - I took the frame from my partner's video who captured it for me, as I was busy avoiding the debris scattered all over the highway trying not to get a puncture. I don't touch my phone while I drive, and hope you don't either.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I think everyone perfectly understands what I'm saying, yet choose to ig oremall of that to make some point about having to be politically correct. You get the point, how about you just take it?

I have no problem with small penises, nobody should, nobody should be ashamed of having a smaller or bigger penis.