this post was submitted on 18 Apr 2024
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We've seen what liberal politics gets us:
Fighting to Slow and Reverse the Effects of Climate Change
Free Libraries
Free or Cheap Public Transit
Free Schooling
Free Daycare
Free Medical Care
Paid Sick Leave
Paid Maternal Leave
Border Policies That Accept Good People and More Effectively Removes The Bad
Protections for Human Rights
Separation of Church and State
Right to Love Whoever You Want to Love
Reluctance to Enter Foreign Wars
Better Economies
Lower Deficits
Free Care for Chronic Mental Illnesses
But sure, BoTh sIdES baD, Vi JinPeeng the Pooh can save us! RusSiA iS wInnING thE WAr aGaInST wHiTE SuPReMaCIsT aNtI-cHrIStianS
Are you trying to create an earthquake by making every Union fighter spin on their graves by giving their achievements to the people who opposed them?
Liberal is an Ideology, not a party, so if they opposed these then they were by definition conservatives.
But yes, most if not all examples of these policies was a DNC achievement. The RNC haven't been known for much except Evangelical Theocracy, Cutting Taxes for the Rich, Creating Deficit, and Gutting Regulatory Bodies since the Reagan Administration.
Let me clear something up that really shouldn't be this prevalent: The opposite of conservative isn't liberal, it's progressive. Both US parties are liberal.
Historically the USA is not a place filled with liberal policy, being conservative contradicts being liberal and being progressive absolutely is liberal. In practical examples, recent and historic, the GOP want to restrict who can marry, what bathrooms you use, what books you're allowed to read, which gods you're allowed to worship, and who is allowed freedom to live in which places.
The closest thing to Liberal Policy in the GOP playbook is giving corporations the freedoms to harm others and dodge taxes, by gutting regulation.
This isn't controversial, you're just filled with cognitive dissonance, your worldview doesn't align with reality.
Tell me you know fuck all without telling me you know fuck all
Are you kidding? Almost none of these points are true. We have almost none of these points besides libraries which are constantly being refunded, and schools that are all but useless.
We are doing nothing more than a token effort to fight the climate collapse, no such thing as free daycare, there is not free medical care, paid maternal leave is laughably short, and so on.
We have every single thing on this list in at least some places in the USA to the point that it would be a much longer list to show every policy and example.
And you're right, it's all under attack. By Conservatives.