this post was submitted on 28 Mar 2024
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Nah they are evil because they literally eat humans. There is nothing to misunderstand and nothing to interpret wrongly.
They aren't evil for the sake of being evil, yes but they are evil.
And no, not really. Everyone hates the Demons.
Is a cat evil because it eats mice? Demons don't kill humans out of malice. That's the entire thing (and something they explore later on in the manga too).
I meant that in other anime. There are so many anime where demons are not necessarily an evil race and instead are just misunderstood.
Cats are evil because they kill for fun, just like the Demons in the story. One of the Demons literally made an army of headless soldiers just because they can. They aren't just killing for food, and even if they where doing that, nothing prohibits them from eating something else. They eat humanoids out of a superiority complex and kill for fun. Thats the literal point.
Wasn't clear, but ok. If its about other stories then yeah. You are right.
It's their nature. I don't think projecting human morals on different creatures works. Not for cats, not for demons. To be clear, that doesn't mean I think they're 'good guys'. They just are.
Yeah fair, I can see how it's not clear. My bad
Actually its not their nature. Most wild cats don't kill for fun, nither do wolfs. We humans literally teached them to do that. Wild dogs and house cats do kill for fun and its not "their nature"
Humans kill each other for fun and we call it evil, its our nature to do that!
This argument makes little to no sense. The Frieren Demons are best compared to Nazis that killed out of a superiority complex. Nazis are evil, so are the Demons.
The turtle wanted to cross the river. Scorpion bro came up to it and said like hey bro give me a lift. Tortoise was like sure dude. In the middle of the river the scorpion stung the terrapin and he be like what's the matter dude why did you do that for? Scorpion be like, no cap bro, it's in my nature.