this post was submitted on 23 Mar 2024
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.7z seems to be good and I do recommend it to people, saying that it's better than regular zip. Have recently started using opus n webm files more.

I've also heard about jxl recently. Would be very nice to see it become popular, as it could reduce the size of my memes n screenshots folders. Faster webpage loading too.

Are there any other file formats that'll be useful to people, but isn't getting enough attention?

In the case of apps, Trebleshot seems to be good for android file sharing. I like it's web sharing option having an upload form. Helps me where I don't have to ask others to install an app to send me a file locally. Not sure about its encryption n security aspects, but I only have used it for local file sharing.

And what about other stuff similar to that, other than file formats or apps?

Recently have started exercising my neck. Not neck bridges and loaded things tho. Only safe n simple movements. Seems to be good, especially after using a monitor for some time. I think it's not much talked about, maybe because of the fear that people will overdo it?

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[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

I think if someone made a highly efficient cryptocurrency that was pegged to a specific value and the owners of said crypto kept their hands out of the cookie jar, then it'd potentially be very useful.

I used to be very, very anti-crypto, but with banks and companies like MasterCard and Visa banning websites from being able to host NSFW content, I've started to shift towards "maybe crypto is good for some things". It sucks, I don't like crypto, I think it's generally extremely inefficient. However, if someone could come up with a cryptocurrency that was relatively secure, power efficient, had a stable value and had a morally stable team behind it, then I'd be tempted to support it.

Edit: yeah, I know it's not a popular take, but the alternative is letting banks, credit card companies and payment processors dictate and impose their will on the internet. I'd prefer not to use crypto, but like, what else can you do? Do you really think the US government gives a fuck? Even if they did, do you really believe the Supreme Court is gonna let the US government tell companies that they aren't allowed to restrict what people legally spend their money on?

Sex work is still work, whether it's on OnlyFans, Gumroad or Patreon, and if someone wants to pay for it then the sex workers and nsfw artists deserve to be paid.

Edit 2: also, bans on NSFW content often disproportionately affect members of the LGBT community because LGBT stuff tends to get classified as "adult content" even if it's completely safe-for-work. Considering things like KOSA and the current push against people who are LGBT in the US (like myself) it's not hard to imagine a near future in which it's hard to make money as freelancer and a member of the LGBT community.

Edit 3: honestly, I feel dirty talking about crypto this way. If anyone has a better idea that doesn't involve relying on geriatric, out-of-touch politicians or blatantly corrupt Supreme Court justices, feel free to chime in.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The problem that payment processors have with NSFW content is the chargeback rate. Purchases in that category have a disproportionately high rate of people going to their card provider to get charges reversed.

The only reason crypto solves this is because charge reversals are basically impossible.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Why don’t they just disallow chargebacks for NSFW content then?