
joined 1 year ago

As the affluent or the relatively upper strata starts to directly see issues, would the govt be forced to have better quality infra development?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Did it almost 2 weeks ago.

Automatic local backup did not happen, so I used Settings -> Chat -> Chat Backup -> Backup now

I don't have a google account selected in the backup options and the local backup was created.

I've been thinking about reinstalling whatsapp once more, but now even when I click it, it's not backing up.
So maybe it's not allowed now

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I want a collection of posts, a feed from selected communities.

As an example:
There's c/memes in ml n world, sopuli etc. I want to have a single feed or tab or page where the posts from those communities are available.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

Thank you

Is there any current workaround to deal with it?
Any client-side app or so?

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The R site has such a feature, which can allow one to group posts from many communities into one feed.
With many communities on different instances with similar topics, it'd be useful to group them to avoid separate visits to each community.

Does lemmy have such an option?
If not, are there any lemmy clients that can provides a similar option?
Or are there known workarounds, maybe with the rss feeds or so?


Bjp had broken the norm of the most senior parliamentarian being the pro-tem speaker.
Kodikunnil Suresh, Congress' MP from the Mavelikkara assembly of Kerala, was the seniormost MP(8 terms, 25+ years of experience as an MP), but he was not made the pro-tem speaker.

Another norm that the ruling and opposition sides come to a consensus such that the deputy speaker post is given to someone outside of the ruling party, while the speaker is chosen by the ruling party is also being challenged by the Bjp.

So we're seeing election for the post of Lok Sabha speaker as a first.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)
  1. When I stopped, a rusted chain tangled me up
    Tying my body onto the ground
    As I sink underground, I call your name
    What can I do to see the daylight once more?

From Just Awake by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Was the first ending song of the Hunter x Hunter 2011 anime

  1. Dua Lipa's Levitation, the "You can fly away with me tonight" portion

  2. A Malayalam movie song:

Kannane karimukilambarane..
Madhuraamrutha muraleerava mazhayode anayuu nee
Kannane karimukilambarane
Madhuraamrutha muralidhara neelambuja nayanane..

The lyrics describes some characteristics of the Hindu god Krishna... the singer is describing her lover like that.
The lyrics is cool, but the context and the way it is sung elevates it for me.
I like it because the protagonist is imagining it and his love interest doesn't even know of his interest. The guy is also the evil guy in the story.

Meaning of the words
Karimukil = Rain cloud, dark cloud
Ambaram = could mean sky or lips
Madhura = A place of the god. Also madhuram means sweet
Amrith = Divine nectar, immortality juice
Mazhayode + anayuu + nee = Rain + come + you, come/arrive with the rain
Muralirava= Flute's sound
Neela ambuja nayanan = Blue Lotus eyed

There are Malayalam leftist songs whose lyrics I like a lot, but that'd be too specific and I probably wouldn't be able to explain them easily.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Thank you a lot for taking the time and effort for the detailed comment.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Thank you.
I did try a bit of that.
My issue comes when more than 2 functions are used. I do plan to practice more of that.

Are there any resources that you recommend?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

What happened to the person who had last contact with the said object?

And slightly unrelated:
The wire website saw a redesign recently, right?
They used to have an rss feed. I think it got dropped after the redesign. Or has it gone private or premium?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Senpai no ecchiii

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

Watches JAV and starts thinking that yamete means very awesome or very good or that they are arriving

I think people should learn the basic words before going into porn for learning stuff. But yes, it maybe a good way to learn things that are not explained in regular tutorials


I had tried to learn some languages using online resources on the net(freely accessible ones tho). Didn't actually commit to it with a plan.
Curious on how others went about it.

Do mention the resources that you liked/found useful.


Recently formatted my phone. Reinstalled whatsapp n the imported the backup.
It seems very slow and buggy. After 1-3 mins of usage, the app starts acting up and after a minute or so autocloses.

Has anyone experienced the same?

I'm planning on reinstalling to check whether that fixes the issue. Asking here to see if anyone has experienced something similar and/or has resolved it.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I started using it last year and I think others would benefit from knowing about it too.

Offline dictionaries(based on data from wikipedia, wiktionary etc.):

I use the Wordnet and SimpleWikipedia dictionaries along with the one for the Wiktionary in my native language.

Going on a tangent about the dictionaries(you can skip this if you're currently not interested on that):

They had a Malayalam dictionary, which was quite awesome for me, as I'm a Malayali. The dictionary is based on from 2021. Maybe there were not too many additions for the effort to make a new one.

The code for creating the dictionaries are also available in their github. I tried it out, but I'm on Opensuse Leap currently and installing couchdb seems tricky.

I also saw a python package, Pyglossary, which helps to convert dictionaries between opensource formats.

Wikipedia provides monthly dumps of zim files(used in Kiwix, another dictionary app. Not available in F-droid).
I was able to use Pyglossary to convert those into slob files and use them.
So might be an easier way to get slob files, if slob files of Wiktionary or Wikipedia in your language are not available. Or if you want to update them. Data scraping is also avoided.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm thinking about resetting my phone to see if it fixes a mobile data download issue.

I want to avoid losing important data and also avoid cloud services for backup, as much as possible.
So, how should one ideally go about it?

  • I can directly backup all files in /storage/emulated/0
  • I can backup contacts as vcf
  • I can backup apk's using apk extractor
  • I can write down saved passwords in Chrome and Firefox
  • Create backups from apps like Pipepipe and Mihon. And also get the database file from whsap

Is there a way to save preferences for apps without root?
Are there foss or offline apps that simplify this?
~~Also is there a way to locally backup google calendar?~~
(Fossify calendar seems to have an export local calendar option. The backup file seems to be supported by google calendar too.)

Are there other things that I'm overlooking?
Would like to get suggestions/advice on this.
Thanks in advance.


The system launcher on my phone has a data usage that is non-zero. I've already disabled background data for it.

I use Lawnchair2, but haven't tried to disable/uninstall the system launcher because I've read somewhere that it affects gesture navigation(Is it actually so?)

I know that apps like Netguard can help, but is there a more direct solution, other than rooting?

Are there any other adb commands that are useful, hopefully that are not too dangerous?

I've recently found
adb shell pm trim-caches 99999M
Clears all/most app cache, without having to install some cache clear or use Gfiles. I don't really use it often.

Along with this, does anyone know way to troubleshoot gmail not being able to download attachments on mobile data? I've not disabled background data for that.
Or should I make a separate post on it. Or would it be too tech-supporty?


I find it useful when I have to ask for files from another person without having to ask them to install the app.

Trebleshot has this option(screenshot attached) and I'm currently using it. But it's source seems to archived, so looking for an alternative if it exists.

Is android nearby share enough for this? Generally, I think that foss apps give me faster transfer speeds overy nearby share. Or is it just placebo?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

നാടൻ ലെമ്മികൾ(അല്ലെങ്കിലും പ്രശ്നമല്ല) ഇവിടുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങൾ ചൂടിനെ നേരിടുന്ന രീതികൾ പങ്കുവയ്ക്കാമോ?


Link to non-paywalled archive:

I didn't see any paywall(uBlock?), but if it does spring up, then the link maybe useful


.7z seems to be good and I do recommend it to people, saying that it's better than regular zip. Have recently started using opus n webm files more.

I've also heard about jxl recently. Would be very nice to see it become popular, as it could reduce the size of my memes n screenshots folders. Faster webpage loading too.

Are there any other file formats that'll be useful to people, but isn't getting enough attention?

In the case of apps, Trebleshot seems to be good for android file sharing. I like it's web sharing option having an upload form. Helps me where I don't have to ask others to install an app to send me a file locally. Not sure about its encryption n security aspects, but I only have used it for local file sharing.

And what about other stuff similar to that, other than file formats or apps?

Recently have started exercising my neck. Not neck bridges and loaded things tho. Only safe n simple movements. Seems to be good, especially after using a monitor for some time. I think it's not much talked about, maybe because of the fear that people will overdo it?

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