this post was submitted on 18 Mar 2024
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What would you classify as effective forms of activism?
What are ineffective forms of activism?
Reading between the lines above (or just reading some of the parentheticals or antithetical clauses):
How does a group know when their mission is achieved? What if the mission is ambiguous or changes over time?
If I had the answer to these and an extra $50, I could buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Do you feel they stop too early or too late?
#MeToo stopped way too early. Once the hashtag was slung and some serious shit started to hit the fan, feminist groups the world over should have pushed hard to ensure that abusers faced consequences. And some did. Before the weight of slacktivism dragged it down and made it part of the background noise. There's still gender-based abuse in all walks of life. Women (chiefly, but not solely) still get pressured into things they want no part of. But #MeToo was a passing fancy of the X/Twitterati who've moved on to other things leaving the actual labour of proper activism undone and unsolved.
On the other hand we have Greenpeace. An old-school activist organization that was against nuclear testing. (That's the "peace" part of "Greenpeace".) Once nuclear testing was stopped, they kind of had no real reason to continue, but press attention and money are addictive so they pivoted into a general environmental stance and carried on. Now I'm not going to cast shade on them for this, but I will cast shade on them for keeping that anti-nuclear stance to the point that they're actively harming the struggle against climate change. They're a bunch of people driven by an entirely-justified '60s- and '70s-era fear of nukes who are now dinosaurs fighting the wrong fight in the face of the global warming catastrophe. They should have stopped earlier on and let others take up the torch.
¹ Lest you think that I'm exaggerating, I'm going to drag up two spectacular failures of the western left: Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. The "Remain" camp of Brexit had only one real coherent, repeated message: "Vote 'Remain' or you're a racist." In the mean time the "Leave" camp fought on (distorted, inaccurate, or just flatly made-up) factual issues. SURPRISE PIKACHU FACE! Brexit happened. And I draw the line for that straight to the idiots fighting for "Remain". Then, only a few months later, after a similar campaign of "Vote Hilary or you're a racist!" ... SURPRISE PIKACHU FACE! Donald Trump got elected. Because the western left never seems to fucking learn!
² EVERYBODY is racist to some extent or another. No exceptions. No, not you reading this. No, not me writing this. No exceptions.