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Also, Memmy is shown as having a recent commit 23 days ago - this commit was created by a bot here, and isn't actually indicative of active development. It may be worth ignoring commits from depandabot when checking for the most recent commit, if that's possible.
Thank you for pointing this out! LemmyApps uses the "PushedAt" field from the GitHub repository response to determine the latest commit. However, this appears to be the latest commit across all branches, including
branches.I may have found a workaround that considers just the main branch. I will add this to the priority implementation list.
If you end up only considering a single branch, it would be a good idea to let app owners change which branch is considered “main”. Many apps have a main branch that stores the live code state, and a second development branch where all of the work is done. When an update is released, code is pushed from the development branch to the main branch. In this setup, it would make the most sense to show the most recent commit on the development branch rather than the main branch.